Black ops 1 remake
Black ops 1 remake

black ops 1 remake

  • The player can shoot the golf ball at the start of Hole 1 and they can also shoot the ball in the hole.
  • However, it was scrapped and released in the Annihilation DLC.
  • This map was supposed to be in the game at launch, under the name 'Golf Course'.
  • Inside the bar on the back counter is a monkey skull.
  • Some of them can be used as RC-XD shortcuts.
  • There are several holes in the fences that mark the limits of the map.
  • If the player shoots the sprinklers, the top will break off and the water will shoot straight up.
  • Standing in front of the water sprinklers will cause water to go on the player's screen, as well as a mini rainbow to appear.
  • All of the Golf flags, including those outside of the map, are labeled Hole 1.
  • There are boxes of tees labeled "Havana Golf", the name of a golf course in Havana, Cuba.
  • By the maintenance garage door, there are two bags of cement labeled "Product of Treyarch".
  • The clock in the practice range room is accurate to the player's system, this room also has a picture of the pool in Hotel.
  • There are two Hueys on a hole outside the map.
  • On the scoreboard, Woods is in first with a score of -8, Bowman is in sixth with a -2, and Mason is in last with +8.
  • black ops 1 remake black ops 1 remake

    Getting into said obstacle can make the next shot difficult, or in the case of a water hazard, force a re-shot and a stroke penalty.

  • The title of the map is based on the name of an area on a golf course with a difficult obstacle which may be of three types: water hazards, sand bunkers, and dense vegetation (known as the Rough).
  • Call of Duty Black Ops - Annihilation Multiplayer Trailer Trivia

    Black ops 1 remake